Bodybuilding nutrition

10 mistakes when eating in bodybuilding

We can only correct dietary mistakes if we know about them. If we can we can negate them, that is, eliminate them, we usually achieve positive change. The diet then really becomes the decisive positive factor that’s going to make our hard work in the gym worthwhile. So, let’s get to know the 10 most common mistakes made bodybuilders commit so you can avoid them when eating yourself!

1. Eating too much

It is a biological law that excess unused energy from the diet leads to storage of body fat. Therefore, overeating is the worst mistake. After all, the No. 1 goal in bodybuilding is building muscle, while fat is the enemy. To what end do we need sweat-built muscle if it’s covered by a layer of fat? If you are overweight, eat less to eliminate it. But that still is not enough to add muscle at the expense of the body fat you must be craving. It is necessary to eliminate disproportions in the composition of the diet. To increase muscle tissue you need plenty of good quality protein. Energy supply to working muscles is provided by quality carbohydrates. Watch the nutrient and energy content of food according to the nutritional information on the product labels! Nutrients must be plentiful, but but not in excess. Be sure to distinguish between enough and too much!

2. Eating too little

This is as wrong as overeating. It is impossible to get nice muscles without without providing adequate nutrition. They need nutrients – carbohydrates, protein and
The secret to feeding them properly is not just the quantity, but also in the balance of the diet. Excess fat and white sugar are detrimental. Nutrients should should be enough to cover the needs of your metabolism. Not less, but not more either.

3. Poor quality protein

Protein is essential for the growth and regeneration of muscle fibers. It comes in their consuming them is about avoiding the fats that, unfortunately, usually accompany them. Primary protein sources i.e. meat, poultry, fish and dairy products, can be surprisingly high in accompanying fats. high intake protein can then mean vascular sedation and excess cholesterol concentrations
in the blood. It is not the protein that is to blame, but the fats that accompany it! The solution? Replace conventional sources of protein exclusively with non-fat sources:

  • skimmed milk, egg whites, fish, skinless poultry meat, steak.
  • lean beef and protein concentrates, let’s call them clean sources.

Start with a dose of protein per 1 kg of body weight of 2-3 g per day. To achieve sustained anabolisation, divide this dose into 4-8 approximately equal portions taken at the same times throughout the day intervals.

4. Mistakes in kitchen preparation

Learn to prepare your own food! It’s usually the only way to have her the quality and quantity of food in your own hands. Why should our own nutrition should be influenced by someone else, and in the wrong way? After all, only you know your tastes best! You should therefore mobilise your culinary inventiveness and skill to satisfy them as much as possible while keeping to all the rules of dietary balance. These are not usually followed even in a normal household, let alone in public catering.

5. We do not know how much!

We would like to change the structure of our diet, for example to reduce fat and add energy from carbohydrates, but we don’t know how. We lack quantitative data. How do you to get them? Simple. Just write down what you eat every day, the time, what you ate, the protein, fat, carbohydrate content (you can add for example once a week), and fitness data. Then you can easily calculate how much of your intake of what you’ve had. I recommend energy charts as an aid.

6. Lots of fat, sugar

Fat and sugar – these are the two “demons” of eating. Fat is the most profitable energy source at 9 kcal/g. It is easily stored by the body, because it’s hard to digest. Yet we need a certain amount of fat for proper brain function and other bodily functions. However, this amount can be obtained from a low-fat diet. Also, sugar is converted into storage fat in excess. Beware the trick of the marketers, who offer a low-fat product (e.g. a muesli bar) but claim high sugar content is suppressed. Carbohydrates, especially complex ones, should replace about half of the daily energy intake, fats less than 15%.

7. Little fresh food

The wide range of ready meals, convenience foods and canned products often tempt us to neglect fresh foods. Whether for reasons of saving time in the kitchen or to save money. But you’re saving money in the wrong place! There’s nothing like fresh freshly prepared food, especially fruit and vegetables, which the highest dietary value due to their high vitamin and enzyme content, because they easier to digest and thus improve their use by the body. The appearance, taste and flavour and taste of fresh food is more favourable, even without flavouring and colouring. Let’s not regret the time spent choosing fresh food at the market and preparing it in the kitchen. It will definitely pay off!

8. Too large portions

A positive nitrogen balance is a state of the body that conditions muscle growth. As it do we achieve it? At least every 2-3 hours we must take in the substances necessary for nutrition for the muscles. The more regularly and frequently during the day, the better the response, we take in. Quality protein and carbohydrates matter most. But how to manage a small meal every 2-3 hours during the normal working day? Try a sports protein bar with a glass of low-fat (0.5%) milk. They will provide you with around 50g of protein and 50-100g of carbohydrates. And what about how about a portion of chicken breast from home with a Kornspitz? Or a protein drink with fruit? Surely you’ll recognize that it doesn’t take much time to prepare them and at work it’s you can eat it at work without the hassle of dining out.

9. Unbalanced diet

Imbalance is the curse of our time. This is also true in the area of nutrition. When does it are we considered balanced? Simply put – it includes both good quality protein and carbohydrates, little fat and white sugar. The ratio between nutrients is largely individual and even depends on national habits. Dietary intake, its metabolism, is as typical of you as, for example, the colour of your hair. A very rough rule of thumb for dietary balance states: 50% energy from carbohydrates, 35% from protein and 15% from fat. These are sort of baseline values, that you have to adapt to your actual goals and conditions. Try the following method according to Tom Deters: choose carbohydrates so that half of the amount comes from starches (rice, potatoes) and the other half from fibre-rich sources (pulses, broccoli and other vegetables). The rest 50% of your daily energy intake from low-fat protein sources (chicken without skinless chicken, turkey, fish, etc.) And don’t worry about the 15% fat at all, I’m sure you’ll you won’t miss them.

10. Contempt for supplementation

Even with the greatest care, anyone can commit transgressions against all principles and rules. These shortcomings can be suitably compensated for by the use of preparations, so-called.
Supplementation. Do not be discouraged by the fact that they are more expensive, that they have complicated dosages and that there is “chemistry” involved. Start with products that contain a full daily dose of important minerals, vitamins and other essential substances, called megapacks. They will ensure that of the trace nutrients are not missing from your body. Megapacks can be gradually supplemented with e.g. energy carbohydrate drink, protein concentrate or extract from beef liver extract. With your training, recovery and your entire physique supplementation will do wonders.